Let's Get Creative Summer Edition | Page 22

Step Five
Step Six

Step Five

With the size 6 brush , paint a dark water ' s edge with grey and mix a dark , strong green , adding more blue will make darker . Paint a line of trees larger on the left and smaller to the right . The pine trees are painted with the size 2 brush .
Add some spotty dabs to give extra detail to the shape of the trees . The green and size 2 is also perfect for painting the distant fields and the foreground detail on the grassy area . Use grey to paint the gate and fence . Diluting the green gave a perfect colour for distant fields .

Step Six

Finish off the painting by painting the building , I used the size 2 brush to point the whole building . Grey for the shadows , doors and windows .
The orange mix for the roof is 60 % Cadmium Yellow and 40 % Alizarin Crimson . Paint this in lines following the roof ' s pitch . Surrounding the building with dark pine trees makes it stand forward .