Let's Get Creative Summer Edition | Page 20

Step Three

Step Three

If the sky is still damp , an option is to use the size 12 brush , clean and squeezed flat so you can wipe out some of the highlights at the base of the dark clouds . Simply scrape the flat edge of the brush under the clouds .
Once dry , carefully remove the tape . Use a pale watery grey mix and a size 12 brush to paint the distant mountains . A pale green mixed from the yellow and blue is used at the bottom of the mountains . Slightly overlap the darker mountains and clean the size 12 brush by tapping off the excess on kitchen paper . Blend the grey and green towards the left , being careful not to cover the white peaks to much .
The larger mountain is painted in the same way , just with stronger colours . Mix the following strong colours , Grey , Brown ( 60 % Cadmiumn Yellow , 30 % Alizarin Crimson and 10 % French Ultramarine Blue ) and a green . Use the size 12 and begin with the grey taking the wash behind the small building . Work the grey down from the peak working in the brown and the green at the bottom . As with the smaller mountain blend in the snowy peaks .
Top Tip : Once dry , use a damp size 6 brush to lift out highlights in the large mountain . Follow the contour and create shape and form to the mountains . Use kitchen paper to lift off the colour .