Lesser Slave River ASB Business Plan 2018 - 2023 ASB_Business_Plan_2018 | Page 3
Municipal District of Lesser Slave River no.124
We will be a catalyst to prosperous farming
Provide leadership, direction and extension in
agriculture and rural development with a view
to protect and enhance the environmental,
economic and social well being of residents in the
Farm Families
We believe that traditional farm families are the key
to a strong and prosperous rural community. Farm
families are the building blocks that keep the rural
schools open, community halls and recreational
facilities operating, post offices and local stores in
business and volunteer organizations with people
to do the work.
Stewardship (People/Land/Air/
Be Focused on our Farmers
We believe our farmers should have access to
timely, local and unbiased information to assist
them in their operations. As an information access
point, we can provide the information, service or
program in-house or we can redirect them to other
sources of information we have gathered through
networking and partnering.
We believe our farmers should have opportunities
for input and direction on the programs and
services they require. We believe the Board and
Administration should be open and honest and
easy to communicate with.
Partnering and Cooperation
We believe that partnering and cooperating with
farmers, other levels of government, community
groups, agricultural organizations, business and
industry will accomplish much more than going
at it alone. Through partnerships, we can provide
a greater range of services and programs for our
farmers that go beyond what our financial and
human constraints would otherwise allow.
We believe that farming can take place on the
rural landscape with a minimal amount of impact
on the people, the environment and the animals
that co-exist on this shared landscape. We believe
that proper agricultural stewardship will leave the
landscape in as good or in better condition for
future generations.
Equitable and Consistent
Administration of Acts and
We believe the administration, inspection, control
and enforcement of the Agricultural Service Board
Act, Weed Control Act, Agricultural Pests Act, Soil
Conservation Act, Animal Health Act and ASB
policies are done in a manner that is the same
for all residents in the municipality. We believe
that cooperation, demonstration and extension
are the first steps to a successful program with
enforcement measures being the last resort.