Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz 3rd Quarter 2014 | Page 27

SouthWest 2 4 OF OF 2 N T4 IO N CT ME SE SEG U ED ! s k l o Hi F m Dick Poe I’ The Southwest eduGazette is a journal covering our past and present, biographies of highly noted law- flavoured news and commentary with a touch of humour. Published for academic use inside and out- side classrooms. It implements primary sources providing a window into the past—unfiltered access to the record of artistic, social, scientific and political thought and FAMILY achievement. All material to include content & design is Copyright Property of Travel The Pass Mass Media Pinnacle Est.1991 and its Originator.© DICK POE OF DEALERSHIPS ienvenidos B al gran Literatura en Español e Ingles. The Southwest Chronicle NIE© is sketched with deliberate edu Misspells structured for curriculum application and edu Trivia social Net contests. SOUTHWEST C THE HRONICLE M A T E R I A L E S D E R E C H O D E L AU T O R . N O R E P R O D U C I R S E . All Material Herein And Design Concept Is Copyright Property of Travel The Pass Mass Media Pinnacle and Art Originator. The copying, rea rrangement, redistribution, modification, use or publication by you in any medium, directly or indirectly, of any such matters or any part of the Publication,including the removal or alteration of advertising is prohibited. Travel The Pass Mass Media Pinnacle Est.1991/TheSouthwestChronicle House Counsel Members actively protect the rights to said Content to the fullest extent of the law.©TTPMMP2014 /The Southwest Chronicle NIE. DICK POE A L L C O N T E N T H E R E I N I S C O P Y R I G H T. REPRODUCTION NOT PERMITTED. SIRVIENDO AL SUROESTE DESDE 1928 “Tratar a nuestros clientes de la manera que a nosotros nos gusta que nos traten si fuéramos quienes compráramos un auto” -Dick Poe GIVE THE GIFT OF LEARNING. OUR HISTORY IS THE BEGINNING.© 23