Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Educational.Dual Language Leon Metz 3rd Quarter 2014 | Page 19

2 4 OF F 2 3O N IO NT CT ME SE SEG U ED LA VANGUARDIA Y LA IDEOLOGIA. AVANT-GARDE & IDEOLOGY. ideologia ideologia LA VANGUARD VANGUARDIA I IA CHIHUAHUA a u h a hihu Este segmento está escrito con errores de ortografía que están destinados a la enseñanza en clase y aplicación / lección. Toda la información en este segmento es el derecho de autor. No puede ser reproducido. ©2014 Travel The Pass Mass Media Pinnacle Est.1991 La Vanguardia ideologia©TTPMMP -Una amplia información de interés general,escrita y en imágenes sobre la historia con gran cantidad de ilustraciones, chistes, y comentarios sociales de siglos pasados. Esta información, estructurada en torno a un texto explicativo del proceso histórico, esta constituida por una colección de biografías, recetas de cocina diarias originales mas La Nutrición y La Salud. Piñata Party Menu Pati’s Mexican Table has been Nominated for Imagen Award in Best National Informational Program la Cultura la Cosina C o r e m l e d y Yo so tuFamilia tuSalud JUNE 19, 2014 “The Imagen Foundation has announced the nominees for the 29th Annual Imagen (Spanish for ‘image’) Awards, honoring portrayals of Latinos and Latino cultures in television and season of Pati’s Mexican Table has been nominated in the Best National Informational Program category. SOUTHWEST C THE HRONICLE CHIHUAHUA : The most accepted theory explains that the name was derived from the Nahuatl language meaning “The place where the water of the rivers meet”. The Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range, an extension of the Rocky Mountains, dominates the state’s terrain and is home to the state’s greatest attraction, Las Barrancas del Cobre, or Copper Canyon, a canyon system larger and deeper than the Grand Canyon. ¡Qué Bonito Es Chihuahua! By Chihuahua Gobierno Del Estado The Southwest Chronicle / La Vanguardia ideologia©TTPMMP EST. 1991 CHIHUAHUA MEX. -Although Chihuahua is “Mexican Table is a culinary program which consists of a series of live cooking demonstrations, tasting dinners and workshops. Through this program I try to swing a window wide open into the fascinating world of Mexican cuisine. I help familiarize people with its ingredients and cooking techniques, with a sprinkling of culture, history and traditions.” -Pati Jinich the Chihuah Յ