Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Dual Language Leon Metz Bilingüe Without Borders | Page 16

■ The SWChronicle EDU© The American Gentleman MARILYN MONROE IN TOWN 1961 TAYLOR ELIZABETH HERE! “The plane was delayed and I got -Her lovely violet-blue eyes sparkled as Miss Elizabeth Tay- don’t feel like being bothered with publicity right now. But I would love to have a plate of tacos and enchila- in the First Civil Court of Juarez. Playwright Miller and Miss Monroe called it quits last November during The Mis. Since that time her name has been linked with that of her second She said she had arrived by plane at 5 p.m. Judge Gomez Guerra opened the court especially so that her petition of divorce could be presented. Miss Monroe charged “incompatibility of nal decree will be granted early next week. She married Miller in 1956 and announced she was going to go for The Misfits especially starring with the late Clark Gable. Facebook : The Southwest Chronicle Edu © 16 BILINGÜE SIN FRONTERAS chatted about plans for her wedding to Conrad ¿Sabes esto de Dick Poe, amigo? -Proporcionado por -El personal de Dick Poe Chrysler-Jeep y Dodge- The city hired Stoudenmire almost as soon as he jumped off the stage. One day muy importante para dar a los clientes de esta frontera un servicio de mayor calidad y con los es- Stoudenmire strolled into the Globe Marketing Director and proudly serving Dick Poe Dealerships for 35 years. asión fue bajo la marca Chrysler a través de su pro- ton Hotel suite Tuesday morning. The youthful movie star is here of her future husband. Mrs. Sax- de toda la información necesaria en el asunto de las autopartes de los vehículos que ofertan y el servitales para que sus compradores obtengan atención while “Nick” enjoyed a round of golf at El Paso Country Club. The couple will be married at 5 p.m. on May 6 in the Church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills.James the Queen Mary for a three-month honeymoon trip to Europe. Upon returning they will live in Holly- was wearing a smoke blue silk print frock with gold earrings and gold charm bracelet. A small diamond-encrusted antique brooch was fastened at the V-neckline of the dress. Fabulous! FOUR DEAD INSTANTLY! aspectos son minuciosamente cuidados para que el personal que labora en esta empresa tenga a sus colaboradores muy bien preparados y así brindar al cliente de Dick Poe Chrysler-Jeep y Dodge-Ram una amplia experiencia. Esta compañía siempre ha estado a la vanguardia en sus productos y sus serpre actualizado- respecto a los automóviles y camionetas. Estar a la vanguardia y siempre a la delantera en atención al cliente es uno de los tantos motivos que hace que los compradores regresen a Dick Poe. Gra- Yumpu : The Southwest Chronicle Edu © The Southwest Chronicle Edu© Since 2008 started at the busy intersection of south El Paso street and west San Antonio Street. As he dashed outside from the Globe Restaurant he reled revolver and attempted to put him down permanently. His bystander. The next bullet struck instantly. By now the street had become a confused mass of byhorses. A struggling ex-city mar- Campbell’s right arm. His second slug buried in Campbell’s stom- me.” A coroner’s jury found Dallas Stoudenmire properly executing his Marshall duties. YouTube : travelthepass ©