Leon Metz Southwest Chronicle Edu©Dual Language Leon Metz Bilingüe Without Borders | Page 13
Soy el fenómeno en su jardín. Un secreto poderoso Yo soy.
remoto de la Base de la Fuerza Aérea de Edwards. La base original con una forma triangular de 9.7
extraterrestre y el estudio de sus ocupantes (vivos y muertos).
I am the phenomena in your backyard.
A secretive powerful nature am I.
United ories at Area 51 inStates Air Force
facility com- Storage, examination,
and reverse engineer51 is a remote detach- ing of crashed alien
ment of Edwards Air spacecraft (including
Force Base, within material supposedly
the Nevada Test and recovered at Roswell),
Training Range. The the study of their ocoriginal rectangular cupants (living and
base of 6 by 10 miles dead), and the manufacture of aircraft
now part of the so- based on alien technology.
rectangular area mea- Meetings or joint un-
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Algunas de las actividades que se dicen estar en curso en el Area
51 incluye: El almacenaje e investigación de
ovnis. Informes en
The Southwest
Chronicle Edu©.
stricted airspace. Its
secretive nature and
undoubted connection
research, together with
reports of unusual phenomena, have led Area
51 to become a focus
of modern UFO and
conspiracy theories.
Some of the activities
mentioned in such the-
Development of exotic energy weapons for
the Strategic Defense
Initiative (SDI) or other weapons programs.
Development means
of weather control.
Development of time
travel and teleportation technology.
Development of unusual and exotic pro-
pulsion systems related to the Aurora Program.
Activities related to
a supposed shadowy
one world government
or the Majestic 12 organization.
Many of the hypotheses concern underground facilities at
Groom or at Papoose
and include claims
of a transcontinental
underground railroad
system, a disappearing
Carroll’s Cheshire cat)
when water is sprayed
asphalt, and engineering based on alien
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Area 51 and its secretive nature
and undoubted connection to
together with reports of unusual
phenomena, have led this base
to become a focus of modern
UFO and conspiracy theories.
Its endless fascination is shared
throughout the various media
platforms of The Southwest
Chronicle Edu©.
The Southwest Chronicle Edu
Una esencia solitaria de almas muertas visibles en el Hotel St. James.
A solitary essence of visible dead souls
living at the St. James Hotel.
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Varios Psíquicos han
visitado el famoso hotel
St. James en Cimarron
y, concretamente,
espíritus. Informes en
The Southwest
Chronicle Edu©.
enri Lambert,
a Frenchman
who was the
personal chef to President Abrahom Lincoln
and General Ulyssess
S. Grant. He built the
St. James Hotel in Cimarron, New Mexico
between 1880. Originally it was a gambling hall/saloon. The
Hotel became a place
of violence. It is believed by historians
that at least 26 people
died violently in this
hotel. The hotel was
a hangout for many
gunslingers of that era
such as Clay Allison,
and Jesse James as
well as Wyatt Earp,
Buffalo Bill and Annie
was replaced in 1901,
more than 400 bullet
holes were found in -
the ceiling above the
bar. The building was
remodeled into a hotel
in 1985 with only some
of the rooms available
for rent. Many people
will tell you that the
hotel is haunted with
many different ghosts.
Room 18: A nasty
in the hotel.
Kitchen and Dining
it, whom the owners
have dubbed the Little
ing room. Described
as a small man with a
in room 18. It is not Little Imp has been
is, but it is evident es, relight candles and
that this ghost does move objects in front
of nervous new hires.
and will go as far as Other reported activimanifesting as a swirl- ty includes lights that
turned on and off, particularly the chandethought that this is the lier