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Habitado durante siglos con la sangre de nativos americanos.
os primeros habitantes de Nuevo México eran amerindios de la cultura anasazi. En el siglo XVI, cuando
se produjeron los primeros contactos con los europeos, en la región se encontraban una serie de tribus
Inhabited by indigenous peoples of the Americas
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New Mexico was part of Mexico
before becoming a U.S.
territory and eventually a U.S.
state. It was Inhabited by
indigenous peoples of the
Americas for many centuries
before European exploration.
tradition and inspiration. Its rare
beauty is shared throughout the
The Southwest Chronicle Edu©.
efore Europe- icans after California,
an exploration,
Mexi- na. The nations in the
state consist of mostly
part of the Imperial Navajo, Pueblo, and
Spanish vice-royalty Apache peoples. As a
of New Spain. Later, result, the demographit was part of Mexi- ics and culture of the
co before becoming
a U.S. territory and their strong Hispanic
eventually a U.S. state. and Native American
Later, it was part of
Mexico before becoming a U.S. territory and
eventually a U.S. state. let and gold colors of
Among U.S. states,
New Mexico has the
highest percentage of al standards of Spain,
Hispanics, including along with the ancient
descendants of Span- sun symbol of the Zia,
ish colonists who have a Pueblo-related tribe.
lived in the area for New Mexico, or Nuemore than 400 years. vo México in Spanish,
It also has the sec- is often incorrectly beond-highest percentage of Native Ameri- name from the nation
of Mexico. However,
the fourth-highest total New Mexico was givnumber of Native Am-
and again in 1581, by
Spanish explorers who
believed the area contained wealthy Indian cultures similar to
those of the Mexica
(Aztec) Empire.
The Aztec Ruins National
preserves Ancestral
The buildings date to
ries, and the misnomer
attributing them to the
Aztec civilization can
ly American settlers in
the mid-19th century.
The actual construction was by the Ancestral Puebloans. Aztec
Ruins was added to the
UNESCO list of World
Heritage Sites, as part
of the Chaco Culture
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Los primeros
habitantes de este
pueblo eran amerindios
de la cultura anasazi.
Esta belleza es
compartida dentro de
The Southwest
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The Southwest Chronicle Edu
convertirse en un forajido. A lo largo de su corta vida utilizó distintos nombres, como Henry Antrim
o He nry McCarty. Llegó al condado de Lincoln en el estado de Nuevo México donde vivió únicamente cuatro
You laugh at my death?
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stealing food in late 1875, and
again for stealing clothing and
Mexico Territory into Arizona
Territory made him both an
outlaw and a legendary fugitive.
His legacy is scripted within
The Southwest Chronicle Edu©.
illy the Kid a wanted man in Ar(born Henry izona Territory and
McCarty; also returned to New Mexico, where he joined
Bonney) (September a group of cattle rus17, 1859 – July 14,
1881) was an Ameri- the Lincoln County
War and joined the
er who participated in
New Mexico’s Lincoln County War and law in the region. In
April 1878, however,
rest was for stealing
food in late 1875, and
was arrested again for
stealing clothing and
from jail two days
New Mexico Territory
into Arizona Territory made him both an
outlaw and a fugitive.
After murdering a
altercation in August
1877, Bonney became
Sheriff Pat Garrett later that same month,
tried and convicted of
the murder of Sheriff
Brady in April 1881,
and was sentenced to
hang in May of that
year. Bonney escaped
from jail on April 28,
iff’s deputies in the
process, and evaded
capture for more than
three men, including two months. Bonney
Lincoln County Sher- was ultimately shot
iff William J. Brady
and one of his depu- in Fort Sumner on
ties. Bonney and two July 14, 1881. Over
other Regulators were time, legends formed
and grew that claimed
ing all three men. Bonney’s notoriety grew in rather, that Garrett
December 1880 when staged the incident and
the Las Vegas Gazette death out of friendin Las Vegas, New ship so that the gunMexico, and the New man could evade the
law. For many years,
ries about his crimes. a number of men
He was captured by - claimed to be him.
The Southwest Chronicle Edu© Since 2008
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Billy The Kid fue de los
pistoleros más
famosos del
territorio. Aun dicen que
él no esta enterrado en
Fort Sumner. Lea de él
aquí- The Southwest
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