Lent 2018: Reflections from Current and Former Volunteers 2018 Lenten Reflection Guide | Page 9
I n the Palm Sunday liturgy, we see the highs and the lows
of Jesus’ ministry. Knowing what is to come next, I’ve always found
myself anxious when reading of Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem on
Palm Sunday. We begin with joyful proclamations of “Hosanna in
the highest!” and later in the Gospel reading find ourselves shouting
along with the crowd “Crucify him! Crucify him!” It can feel strange to
encounter the disparity between these moments in Jesus’ life.
The school that I served at in Cambodia has about a thousand
students. Each day we would hear stories from their lives – both the
good and the bad. Sitting around the table at meals with the Sisters,
we would recount what we had been told by our students, teachers,
and staff. They would bring the joyful news of the birth of a new baby,
weddings, the building of a new home, and opportunities to study,
work, or improve their lives. We would be invited into their homes,
their celebrations, and to share in their joys. But they would also
often bring news of sickness and death, broken relationships, and
challenges and injustices. Then we would be invited to pray for them,
to comfort them, and to share in their pain. All of these stories would
be told around the table.
Just as the Palm Sunday liturgy and readings require us to confront
and be present to the highs and lows of Jesus’ ministry and life, we
are called to accompany people on their everyday lives but also
through the great moments of celebration and the difficult moments
of pain. It is in this accompaniment that we are able to find our place
amidst the tension of the joy and suffering in the world.
Focus on:
Social Justice
On Palm Sunday, we see the power of a crowd – first joyfully greeting Jesus as
he triumphantly enters into Jerusalem and then watching as he carries his cross
to his crucifixion. In a crowd, it is often easy to go along with what the others are
doing or feel powerless and unable to fight injustices alone. We can feel this way
in society as well. What social justice issues have you been waiting for someone
to speak out about first? What are ways that you can use your voice to serve those
who are suffering?
Service Suggestion
Use your voice to speak out against the crowd! Spend some time in reflection on
where you see injustice in your life and in the world. Once you have identified a cause,
find ways that you can speak out about it: a post on social media, calling your local
government officials, educating those around you, or even volunteering and inviting
others to do so with you.
About the Author: Colleen Quigley, Salesian Lay Missioners alum
Colleen is originally from outside of Philadelphia. After graduating from The
Catholic University of America in 2015, she spent a year serving as a Salesian Lay
Missioner in Phnom Penh, Cambodia teaching at a vocational school for girls. She
is currently a graduate student at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
and works with undergraduate students in the international immersion program.
Mark 14:1-15:47
“Amen, I say to you,
I shall not drink again the
fruit of the vine until the day
when I drink it new in the
kingdom of God.”
~ prayer ~
Ever-present God,
Help us to remain present as
we walk with our brothers
and sisters in the crowd in
times of joy and celebration
and in times of pain and
Grant us the voice to speak
out against injustices but also
the voice to praise and to
May we always know that you
are accompanying us.