Lent 2018: Reflections from Current and Former Volunteers 2018 Lenten Reflection Guide | Page 8

In today ’ s Gospel , Jesus prepares his followers for his impending Passion and reminds them of the type of discipleship they are called to : one of service and sacrifice .

We meet Jesus and his disciples in Jerusalem days before the Passover . Jesus has raised Lazarus from the dead and has been welcomed into the city with palm branches and praise — what we celebrate as Palm Sunday . “ Whoever serves me must follow me ,” Jesus says solemnly . What does it mean to follow Jesus ? In this context , a lot . He is about to fulfill his mission on earth through his Passion , death , and resurrection . He knows what lies before him : torture , mockery , exhaustion , and death itself . If we are to follow Christ , he is asking us to do so in a way that involves carrying our crosses . The path to resurrection is filled with opportunities to grow in love and service of one another . Jesus reminds us , “ Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies , it remains just a grain of wheat ; but if it dies , it produces much fruit .”
This Lenten season , as we journey towards the celebration of Easter and Christ ’ s resurrection , let us ponder what it means to follow Jesus and what role the cross plays in our discipleship . Are there certain things in our life that need to die in order to produce much fruit ? Is Jesus asking us to give something up or work on something more deeply in order to better follow him ?

Focus on : Simplicity

Simplicity is fundamental to deepening our lives of service . A commitment to detachment , whether physical or spiritual , frees us in order to better hear the promptings of God and be better disposed to the needs of others . Jesus himself lived a life of complete detachment to the will of the Father and one committed to simplicity . How can you practice a spirit of detachment and commit to a life of simplicity this Lenten season ?

Service Suggestion

Are there things in your life that God is calling you to give up or be detached to ? Go through your material goods this Lenten season and see if there ’ s anything that can benefit others , be donated , or recycled . Take this spirit of detachment deeper by decluttering your mental and spiritual lives . Are you over-committed or always on the go ? Try to slow down this season and focus on bringing the notion of simplicity into your prayer life by doing a daily spiritual practice and doing it well .
About the Author : Kate Fowler , Catholic Apostolate Center Staff
Kate Fowler is the Blog Editor for the Catholic Apostolate Center . She received her M . A . in Leadership for the New Evangelization from the Augustine Institute in Denver , Co . Kate did a year of service with the Catholic Volunteer Network as their Communications Intern from 2012-2013 and currently resides outside of Washington , D . C .

John 12:20-33

“ Whoever serves me must follow me , and where I am , there also will my servant be .”

~ prayer ~

Lord Jesus ,
You said that a grain of wheat must die in order to produce much fruit .
Help us as we prepare to celebrate your Passion , death , and resurrection to die to ourselves in order to live more fully for you and for others .
Help us to practice a spirit of detachment and simplicity as we seek to serve and follow you more closely .
May we carry our crosses each day joyfully with your grace so that we too may experience the beauty of resurrection .
Amen .