Solar Panels
Solar panels can be a great investment for your home. Now is a good me to consider
the op on of solar power. The prices of solar panels have been dropping since 2011
so it is now becoming a more affordable op on for many families. There are also
some mes subsidies available to owners who want to switch to solar power. This is
something to check out with your county or city.
In many cases, solar power can save homeowners a lot of money on energy bills.
There are mul ple websites you can use to try to calculate how much money you
could poten ally save if you opted to go with solar power. The system could very well
pay for itself over the years so this is something worth looking into.
Other benefits of solar power include the fact that it is non-pollu ng unlike fossil fuels.
It’s a reliable, renewable source of energy. Addi onally, solar cells are typically very
low maintenance and run for a long me before needing replacement, so you will not
have to face many recurring costs. Overall, as solar power technology con nues to
improve, it will con nue to become a more a rac ve op on for those looking to
poten ally save money and be more environmentally friendly.
Leland Community Link—Community Website Solu ons!
Leland Link has been up and running since late 2016 now! Many of our communi es
are currently reaping the benefits of the Pearl and Ruby sites.
For communi es who want a straigh orward, prac cal portal, we offer Leland Link
Pearl at no cost. This site gives homeowners access to account informa on, viola on
informa on, and to view documents . Boards can see community wide delinquencies,
compliance informa on, documents, and can opt to approve invoices online.
For those who want a more robust and informa ve website, Leland Link Ruby has the
same great features as Pearl with fresh look and feel. Our Ruby op on also has premi-
um op ons such as built in e-mail blasts, text blasts, custom pages,
ability to incorporate custom photography, public versus private
sec ons, and more! Boards can choose from 5 different templates
and make decisions on content so a site can be provided that is as
unique as your neighborhood. Contact us today to schedule a
demo and we will be happy to show you the Leland Link difference.