Leland Insider Spring/Summer Edition Spring/ Summer Edition | Page 8

Many people now u lize websites as a method of gaining informa on about a wide variety of topics . Informa on about communi es is no excep on . While it is understandable that worries about cost and me spent developing a site can dissuade one from wan ng to make the investment , in the long-term a community website can become an invaluable resource for the residents of your community and poten ally help board members save me . Some of the advantages of a website are :
• Governing documents , mee ng minutes , financials , and other important informa on can be posted to the website so it is easily accessible to owners and to poten al buyers .
• A website can be used to send e-blasts to the community to make them aware of important happenings .
• A community website can be the “ go to ” place for residents to learn about upcoming events and mee ngs .
• Website visitors can contact the board with e-forms so the request will get where it needs to go without having to post private e-mail addresses .
• You can highlight the great features of your community by pos ng pictures and up to date informa on .
Websites are a 24 hour resource which means homeowners can get the info they need when it is convenient for them to do so . This helps reduce frustra on and also can save board and commi ee members me since they will receive less requests . While a website does cost money , the money communi es can save by not having to send as much informa on out by mail can help outweigh this cost . The website can also help you build a closer community since residents may par cipate in events more o en when the informa on is readily available .


“ I personally want to thank you for all the help and advice you ' ve given the LVE Board during this confusing and frustra ng ordeal--your efforts on our behalf definitely helped to overcome the problem and resolve it in the best interests of the LVE Associa on . I will make it my business to let our members know just how essen al Leland Management was in effec ng this most sa sfactory conclusion . “