Remain Focused on Your Goals Substantiate Your Point-of-View
With Strong Data
The time and attention of your Your "ask" needs to be accompanied by data
representatives is a precious commodity – whenever possible. It may be true that you
treat them as such. Stay on point, be think something is a good idea, that does not
concise, efficient and focused. You are make it a fact. Be cautious and judicious in
there seeking their help, you need to make your use of data – too little and you will get
the case as to why it is important – and nowhere, too much and you will turn them
in their interests to help you. off. Present 3 or 4 key data points, offer to
provide more and move on.
Step 3 is about be prepared, anticipating
questions, being reasonable and factual.
Step 4 is about letting them know there is a
logical and rationale basis for your ask and
that the data strongly support the request.
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