Legislative Action? Me? How do I do it?
A Blueprint for Success
Make a Great First Impression Make the Most of Your Opportunity
We have all been told “you only get one Legislators deal with hundreds of subjects
chance to make a first impression” a day. Everyone coming to their offices has
so it is important to make the most of it! a different and important need to discuss
The goal is to cause your message to be with them. For you to be heard, understood
remembered through your efforts – not and responded to appropriately you need to
how you look or what you were wearing. refine your message, be clear in your ask and
be respectful of time, circumstance and the
Step 1 involves tending to the basics of
implications of your request.
your appearance, your professionalism
and your message.
Step 2 is about convincing them of your
sincerity and how your ask helps their
constituents beyond you and your profession.
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