Success on the
cards for Brett
eaders of Leek Life magazine will not fail to
notice the amazing images we use to illustrate
our front covers. These impressive
photographs taken in and around the town of
Leek which so poignantly capture the breathtaking
beauty of the surrounding landscapes and the town
itself have been expertly shot by local Leek
photographer Brett Trafford.
Fans of Brett’s work can now share their
enjoyment will their friends and relatives this festive
season with his newly released range of local
Christmas cards for 2013 showing views of Leek and
from around the Staffordshire Moorlands.
Speaking to Leek Life Brett explained: “This is
my third year doing these cards and each year the
range has grown. People love to send these cards to
family and friends who have moved away, last year
my cards were sent all over the world, as far away
as Canada and New Zealand, most countries in
Europe, the USA and South America.
“I also offer a range of bespoke cards for
businesses as customers really value getting a real
card instead of an Ecard.”
For more information and images contact
[email protected], Tel. 01538 387701 or Tel.
07801 058345.
Brett is an award winning, full time,
photographer, with over 20 years experience. Based
in Leek he is internationally recognized for both his
landscape and portrait work, with his images being
viewed in over 170 countries.
30 Leek Life November/December 2013