Get youR motoR RunninG
At thiS yeAR’S SCooteR-FeSt
his year marks the 10th anniversary of North
Staffs Jesters Scooter Club’s popular ‘ScooterFest’ and as usual Leek will be at the heart of
all the action, with the town playing host to the
Engines will be revving for the festivities, which
take place on Sunday 18th May where it is hoped
the success of previous years will be enjoyed again.
It all started for the Jesters in 2004 when the
club was invited to join in with the town’s annual
Carnival, this worked extremely well, and after
being approached by a well-respected councillor,
it was agreed that 2005 would present a full
weekend of fun to include an entire day dedicated
to all things ‘scootering’. This was too good an
opportunity to miss, and so began lots of hard
work putting the Jesters well and truly on the
The event was named ‘Scooter-Fest’ and after
many meetings with local dignitaries, businesses
and club members it was suggested, and hoped,
that the event could become an annual event, and
so ‘Scooter-Fest 1’ took place in Leek on Sunday
22nd May.
As predicted ‘Scooter-Fest 1’ was a total success
with an estimated 400 plus scooterists motoring
to Leek from all over the country. And so by
popular demand ‘Scooter-Fest 2’ was staged the
following year, thus cementing the event firmly as
an annual fixture in the town’s diary and with the
14 Leek Life May/June 2014
support of the Carnival Committee, Leek Town
Council, and many willing local businesses.
Since that time ‘Scooter-Fest’ has grown in
stature and notability to become an event in its
own right, taking over the Silk Street car park
area, in the centre of town along with the indoor
trestle market and encompassing three local pubs
making the ideal venue to stage thirty plus indoor
and outdoor stalls of everything scooter related.
These exhibitors, stallholders and enthusiasts
journey from all over the country, selling items
from scooter parts and accessories to vintage and
modern clothing, records, CD’s and a whole host
of scootering memorabilia. Add to this a ridden
custom show with one off specially made trophies,
a stage with live music, hog roast and now over
2000 scooters spilling out into the Market Place
and along the top of the pedestrianized area of
Derby Street and you have one amazing spectacle
and a great event with a truly buzzing atmosphere!
To top it all the majority of the event is mostly
free of charge to enjoy. No entrance fee, no charge
to the part’s fair, no charge to enter scooters into
the custom show and no charge to watch the band.
All the Jesters ask is that everyone attending buy a
£1 raffle ticket (and/or make a donation), by way of
enabling them to continue to put on the event.
For more information contact Steph on 07817
429616, check out the Jesters facebook page or
google ‘Scooter-Fest’.