Once you have decided then you have to
discuss this with the family and agree that
between your working hours, which would have
been your normal working day, for example, 9am
to 5pm Monday to Friday, this area is out of
bounds, and so are you. Keeping to a structured
day keeps your mind set in a good place and will
keep you focussed.
On the Monday morning when you start your
first task should be how good is your CV? Does it
need some work? You can
always do some research on
the internet or find advice
from other sources. If you
have received support from
the company you have left you
may already have a good CV
but remember – it is always
just a ‘work in progress’ never
the finished article. When
applying for jobs you should
always ensure it matches
what is required and highlight
your skills to meet the job
description. Never assume
the reader will know you can
do it just because you know
you can.
Have breaks in the
morning and afternoon for
tea or coffee and lunch at your
normal time and ensure you
environment you have chosen
to work in as you would have
done at work. This is very
Charlie’s time-out was to
walk the dog and when he
came back he could read an
advertisement with a fresh
perspective and realise that
actually he did have the skills
set to meet the job
description. He recognised
the importance of tailoring his CV to demonstrate
his skills better and that’s how he got his new job.
He just needed a little help and direction to show
him how to focus.
In the afternoon look at networking. Who did
you work with before, not just your last role but
prior to that and where have they gone to work
now. Research these companies. Many people
when they are made redundant find it difficult to
tell other people what has happened to them but if
you left a good impression with former colleagues
they are a good source of knowledge not only about
you but for you. LinkedIn is a great social media
tool for many in the professional market to keep in
touch with former colleagues, learn how to use it.
It may take you the whole of the week to do that, or
even longer. Use the time. It could pay dividends
and it has many more uses than just keeping in
touch. Joining relevant groups and interacting
with group discussions and forums keeps you
involved in your ‘market
sector’. This can be very useful
when going to interviews
demonstrating that you have
remained interested in your
area of expertise. It is also a
very useful ‘tool’ to search for
jobs and to be found by
agencies and organisations
who head-hunt using social
media regularly so having a
good profile is very important
Networking could also
include going out to meet with
former colleagues, (which can
count as part of your working
day). It is useful to get out and
hear what other people are up
to and where others have
either had interviews or found
work. There is no shame in
finding out if there are more
vacancies at that company?
Can you set up alerts for when
they do have vacancies coming
up? It is not just about having
a chat but listening to what
people are really saying and
what those around you are
talking about.
Another day could be filled
with searching ۈH[