LEAVES November 2022 | Page 12

First S&Teacher Workshop, Slovakia

The first S&T Workshop was held between 20th November and 25th November 2022 in Slovakia. The aim ot fhe Erasmus+ LEAVES workshop was to come up with creative ideas which can be used in the teaching process (teaching a veriety of different subjects). The topic was: BE GREEN.

The participants of the workshop - students and teachers - worked in mixed international groups.

The first group´s mission was to create a board game.

The second group´s mission was to come up with an idea of a video game.

The third group´s task was to create a game - any kind, any form.

Group 4 chose to work on the introduction video to our youtube LEAVES channel.

Group 5 had to create a series of videos - and Advent Calendar including cultural aspects of Christmas in the different partner coutnries and sum up our project-related activities. The light motive was to be Don´t buy presents, become one.

Group 6 had to think about the topics to be included in our channel between January and March.

Group 7 worked on editing the magazine you are reading rigth now :)

Group 8 worked on project ideas on the topic of healthy nutrition and came up with a book of recipes including snacks, main dishes and desserts from each parntner country´s cuisine.

Group 9 had to organize an event. They opted for making a swapping class. They announced the day, time and conditions of swapping.