Learning from the American Fundraising Model: A European Perspective March 2014 | Page 18

06. thriving in the midst of crisis Marisa Vázquez-Shelly, Director of External Relations and Patronage, Teatro Real (Spain), Class of 2010 At a time when economic difficulties have forced severe funding cuts at many Spanish arts organizations, Madrid’s Teatro Real has actually increased its number of corporate sponsors. And this is despite the fact that Spain has one of the least generous tax regimes for 18 C ON V ERS A T I ONS philanthropic gifts. “We have a fantastic story to tell,” says Marisa Vázquez-Shelly, the theatre’s director of external relations and patronage. Not all of Spain’s institutions can say this. During the boom times, dozens of art centers, theatres and other cultural institutions were built across Spain. “All the cities had their own theatres, whether they had an audience or not,” Vázquez-Shelly explains. “It was a symbol of prosperity, and there was money for that.” Since the onset of the Euro crisis and Spain’s