Booking your course
Our course bookings open on Thursday 21st June.
You can book a course in one of the following ways:
• Online by visiting Our normal opening hours are as follows:
• Telephone 01904 552806
• In person – visit West Offices, Station
Rise, Customer Centre, Desk 22
10am - 4pm Monday, Wednesday
and Friday
You can call into West Offices or telephone
to book during these times.
Keep checking as we are adding new
courses throughout the year including some that might not
appear in the brochure.
Booking over the
summer school holidays
We are open for bookings over the summer
school holiday period.
August tends to be quiet so if you are
thinking about booking in person or over the
phone, then this is a good time to do it.
However, September is one of busiest
periods, with telephone bookings being
very popular. Please be patient and leave a
message if you cannot get through.
Courses starting
after Christmas
Many of our courses will continue after
Christmas or be repeated.
However only a few of these courses are
advertised in this brochure and most will
be advertised in our Winter/Spring/Summer
brochure delivered to you in December. You
can also keep checking as
we are adding new courses throughout the
year including some that might not appear
in the brochure.
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