Welcome to our 2018 Autumn/
Winter brochure packed full
of exciting courses starting in
July and continuing through to
our Christmas workshops in
November and December. We
have organised the brochure
so that courses for leisure and
pleasure are in the front part of
the brochure, followed by our
family learning, computing and
English and maths courses.
Toward the back of the
brochure you will find a new
section of courses designed
to boost your work skills and
employment prospects. This
contains further information
about our computer offer and
GCSE English and maths. You
will also find information on our
one to one advice and guidance
service. We hope you find
something to enjoy and look
forward to welcoming you to
one of our courses.
Arts & Craft ...............................................5-9
Dressmaking ............................................. 10
Floristry & Gardening................................ 11
Creative Writing, Speech & Drama ........... 13
Cookery & Cake Decorating...................... 14-15
Health & Fitness ........................................ 16-20
Mindfulness .............................................. 21
Music & Dance........................................... 22
Languages................................................. 23-25
Bike Maintenance & History ..................... 26
Photography & Digital Editing................... 27
Counselling ............................................... 28-29
Christmas Courses.................................... 30-31
Digital Computing & Getting Online ......... 32-35
Family Learning ........................................ 36-38
English, Maths & ESOL.............................. 39-41
Work Skills Section.................................... 43-52
Bookkeeping & Accounting....................... 44
Computing for Work.................................. 45
Social Media & Web Design ..................... 46
Business Administration .......................... 47
We love to hear from you about your
experiences …..
You can find us at the following sites:
Adult Care ................................................. 48
Childcare ................................................... 49
@yorklearning Venue ........................................................ 59
york.learning.cyc Index.......................................................... 60-61
@yorklearning Further Information................................... 62-63
Remember – more detailed course information about York Learning courses available online at www.yortime.org.uk