Learning for All Catalog Winter Spring 2019 | Page 32
Health & Wellness
NEW The Art of De-Aging: Peel
Years Off Your Biological Age
Your chronological age is the number
of years you have been alive. It
is a fixed number and cannot be
changed. Your biological or body age,
however, is measured by how well
all of your organs and body systems
work. You have more control over
how your body ages than you may
think! Research has shown us that
you can peel years off your biological
age with a few simple, scientifically
proven techniques you can do right
now. Janice Novak
NEW As Far as the Eye Can See
Has vision loss begun to influence how you live and enjoy your life? Many
Date: Sat, Mar 23
common eye conditions can affect your eyesight and force you to discover
Time: 11:15 am–12:45 pm
new ways to do old things. Lisa Larges from the Minnesota State Services for
Cost: $32
the Blind (SSB) will discuss services available to you if you are experiencing
Class #: AEW3
vision loss. Discover the various magnifiers, household devices, and options
Location: Skyview, Media
for reading through audio that are available through SSB to seniors even if
your vision loss is in the early stages. Lisa will also demonstrate some of the
NEW Three Secrets to Living
remarkable ways that technology is improving the lives of seniors with vision
Headache Free!
loss—even seniors who were scared, skeptical or just not sure they could
Do you suffer from headaches or
learn how to use assistive tech. During the last thirty minutes, Lisa will work
migraines that interfere with your
directly with interested seniors who are losing vision to provide them with
work and family life? Would you like simple aids and devices or connect them with resources through SSB. These
to actually resolve your headaches
services are all at no cost to the consumer, and help folks do more with less
instead of covering them up with a
vision. This program is sponsored by CLASS (Consortium of Lakes Area Senior
pill? Come discover the three secrets Services). Lisa Larges
to resolving headaches that your
doctor hasn't told you, so you can
Date: Fri, May 3
get off the couch and start living
Time: 10:00 am–12:00 pm
your life pain free! Laura Devine
Cost: FREE, please pre-register
Class #: AEW8
Date: Tue, Mar 26
Location: Gladstone, 105
Time: 6:00–7:30 pm
Cost: $15
Class #: AEW7
Location: John Glenn, 118
Be well.