Special Interest
NEW Genealogy Made Easy
Never before has compiling your
family history been so easy and
popular. Discuss the various
sources for information including:
vital statistics, census records,
immigration & naturalization
records, ship passenger arrival
records, military records and
genealogy websites. Gain
organizational tips, learn the
best way to begin compiling
your family history, as well as
recommended forms to record all
your information.
Lynda Fay Katers
Date: Tue, Oct 9
Time: 6:00–9:00 pm
Cost: $29
Class #: AEX2
Location: John Glenn, 118
NEW Get Paid to Read! Record
Audiobooks Via the Internet
Do you read books, like to read
aloud, and want to be paid for it?
Audiobooks is a multi-billion dollar
industry and ordinary people, not
the authors or "stars," make 78%
of the recorded books! Learn how
to get reading jobs in a variety of
genres, develop the specialized
interpretation skills needed, explore
the expanding market, and how
to market yourself to publishers
and directors. With inexpensive
hardware and software, you can
record right in your home.
Don Cosgrove
Date: Thu, Oct 11
Time: 7:00–9:00 pm
Cost: $39
Class #: AEX4
Location: John Glenn, 118
Authentic Aging
Is retirement 3-5 years in your
headlights? Have you ever wondered
what that means and whether or
not there will be challenges? Being
prepared will make a big difference
in the journey. Pull back the curtain
on the myths and realities that
surround retirement. Leave with
usable tools to begin the process of
retirement preparation today, along
with handouts to refer to in the years
ahead. Bob Koehler
Date: Tue, Oct 16
Time: 6:30–8:30 pm
Cost: $19
Class #: AEX5
Location: John Glenn, 118