Special Interest
NEW Diversity & Authenticity
in Our Communities
Learn how to look beyond the
surface. Since each person is unique,
recognizing individual differences
are central. Discover how to navigate
relationships among people from
different cultural, socio-economic,
age, sexual orientation and religious
backgrounds and avoid assumptions.
Ann Makena
Date: Mon, Oct 1
Time: 6:30–8:30 pm
Cost: $15
Class #: AEX6
Location: Stillwater Area High
School, D206
NEW Make Money Doing Voiceovers in TV & Radio
There's an exploding media talent market in the Twin Cities; especially for
voiceovers on the internet, cable/satellite TV/radio ads, documentaries,
multi-media and voice messaging. Find out how to get into this fun, creative
and potentially lucrative commercial industry! Learn what you need to get
to work, who hires and how to create a professional demo CD and resume.
Optional $15 fee for script packet is payable to the instructor. Don Cosgrove
Date: Thu, Oct 4
Time: 7:00–9:00 pm
Cost: $39
Class #: AEX3
Location: John Glenn, 118
NEW Basic Car Maintenance
Cars have a way of "acting up"
when you least expect it. Discover
how easy it is to check the fluids
and make sure that the tires have
enough air. Learn how to change
a tire and check the tire tread. Did
you know your car has a fuse box?
It does and you will learn how to
locate it as well as change a fuse.
Discuss the meaning of the various
lights that inconveniently appear on
the dashboard. Time spent on basic
car maintenance now will save you
money and headaches down the
road! Chris Cook
Date: Sat, Oct 6
Time: 9:30–11:30 am
Cost: $25
Class #: AEX1
Location: Gladstone, parking lot