Learning & Development Academy Brochure 2014 | Page 19

WE’LL CONFIRM YOUR DATES email US for any formal courses If you and your line manager have agreed any formal courses or programmes in this guide, email [email protected] HR will add you to the waiting list. When your course or programme is due to run, HR will contact your manager to confirm your attendance. you can organise external training yourself LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK Where you and your line manager agree an external training course and the budget has been approved within the department, please feel free to arrange your attendance. HR can assist with identifying external courses if necessary. Evaluating training is important as it helps us to measure how well the activity has met your development needs and achieved our business objectives. So we’ll ask you to provide your honest feedback on any course that you attend, usually in the form of an online questionnaire. LET US KNOW IF YOU CAN’T COME If you have a genuine reason for not being able to attend, you must notify the training administrator as early as possible so that your place can be offered to someone else. If you cancel within 14 days of the training, your department will be charged a cancellation fee (which may be higher than the original cost in some cases). 17