League for Innovation in the Community College Spring 2020 | Page 15
We set our students up for career success while
providing economic solutions that are practical, effective,
and easily deployed.”
In March 2018, HACC launched Pennsylvania’s first Pennsylvania Medical Cannabis Society to offer one-
Hospitality Apprenticeship Program in partnership day information sessions to educate those interested
with High Hotels to provide low-skilled staff a pathway in the field. HACC launched its first Medical Cannabis
from entry-level jobs to management. The college Business Specialist Certificate Program in fall 2019.
implemented an apprenticeship in tool and die
starting in January 2019 with support and funding HACC also partners with secondary schools to identify
from TE Connectivity. This partnership supports a graduates who choose to delay their postsecondary
four-year apprenticeship program to train current educational journey. The High School S.T.E.P. (Set
employees as tool and die makers with plans to goals, Take action, Expect success, and Put in the
expand to include other industries in the future. work) Academy lets students explore careers through
industry tours and mock interviews before committing
When HACC learned of the need for a skilled to a postsecondary program, while allowing our
workforce to sustain the growing craft beer industry industries to stay productive and competitive.
in Pennsylvania, we worked with Brewers of
Pennsylvania (BOP) to create a pathway into the A flexible, high-quality, and affordable education does
craft-brewing field. BOP helped HACC develop not always have to result in a degree. By listening
a curriculum for the college’s Brewing Science to the needs of the workforce and entering into
Certificate Program, which focuses on building the intentional partnerships with businesses, we set
necessary talents for the industry. Local breweries our students up for career success while providing
partner with HACC to utilize their space and economic solutions that are practical, effective, and
equipment. Students build a beer from recipe to easily deployed.
creation as the capstone of the program.
Visit www.league.org/node/22050 for the
HACC also responded to the needs of the emerging
reference list.
medical cannabis industry by partnering with the
John J. “Ski” Sygielski is President, HACC,
Central Pennsylvania’s Community College.