League for Innovation in the Community College Spring 2020 | Page 14
Fosters Innovation
B Y J O H N J . “ S K I ” S Y G I E LS K I
hrough my daily interactions with Our industries need solutions today. They need
students and employees at HACC, Central us to listen and innovate to meet their needs.
Pennsylvania’s Community College, and Among HACC’s innovative partnerships are
with members of the community, I learn their apprenticeship programs that provide tools
needs, hopes, and aspirations and hear how our to upskill the workforce. Apprenticeships
institution can help them fulfill their dreams. transfer the skills of an aging workforce to new
employees, who work full time and take night
By listening to these voices over the past eight classes at HACC. The competencies they gain at
years, during my tenure as HACC President, the worksite, coupled with the technical training
we have transformed the college’s Workforce they receive through HACC, allow them to earn as
Development and Continuing Education Division they learn during the 18-month program.
from a money-losing operation to a robust,
thriving engine of change throughout Central HACC is the first community college in
Pennsylvania and beyond. This division is at Pennsylvania to provide an apprenticeship
the forefront of forging business and industry program (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
partnerships to fill the growing skills gap 2017). The Industrial Manufacturing Technician
created by an aging, retiring workforce and no Apprenticeship Program was developed
dedicated pipeline of ready-to-work individuals. in partnership with AMES Reese and the
Manufacturers in Pennsylvania and across the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.
country are grappling with the prospect of New cohorts for fall 2019 included an emphasis
approximately 2.4 million unfilled jobs over the on high schools and a pre-apprenticeship
next decade (Manufacturing Institute, 2018). program for high school students in
Lancaster County.
League for Innovation in the Community College Innovatus