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Happy New Year from all at Redmarley C of E Primary Academy


Books Wanted

For cash

Clearances considered

Anything odd, old or collectable

Phone: 01531 890959






ANDY - 01594 824 066




At Redmarley church we urgently need more people to volunteer to read the 'lessons' on Sundays, or to act as sidesmen (I guess that should be 'sidespeople'!) - that is, to help take up the collection and to carry the offerings up to the altar during the service, or to help as 'welcomers' and give out hymn and service books. We also need a few more who would like (with some help and instruction beforehand) to lead the intercession prayer time. If we had enough people on the rotas, no-one's turn would come round too often.

Can anyone help.........PLEASE?!!!! (Jill)

We have all had a good rest and returned to school ready to work hard this term. The end of last term was very busy and we all enjoyed our Christmas Lunch and Christmas Party. A special visitor arrived in the afternoon of our party! We also had a lovely afternoon tea with many senior citizens from the village and performed our nativity ‘Rodney the Stable Rat’ to them before singing some Christmas Carols. The mince pies that we made went down very well.

The Pantomime in Malvern, where we saw Sleeping Beauty, was fantastic. The special effects were amazing. Thanks to our great PTFA who supported our visit.

We are looking forward to 2017 and have lots of events planned for the rest of the year. A date for your diary is Friday 17 th March when together with the pupils from Staunton and Corse and Highnam School we are performing our ‘I Sing Pop’ concert in Gloucester Cathedral. It is an uplifting concert with lots of catchy tunes. Everyone is welcome and tickets will be available from the School soon.