Leading Women Entrepreneurs Magazine 2017-Entre_magazine-online | Page 18
Due to low self-esteem and confidence, women often do not ask There is a great exodus today as women drop out of corporate
for what they need, whether that be support or financial need. America to start their own businesses. That is a challenge and
They tend to want to do or fund a lot initially themselves. – TM a problem because everybody just can’t up and leave. We need
Being a pretty new mom myself to a two-year old son, I have to
for some of us to be in on the inside. – DM
balance working and wanting to be with him. When I have to
him. It helps to be able to find a firm that is willing to work Why do you think leadership statistics for women
in the workforce have not changed much?
with you on flexibility, and I do think that a lot of firms are It’s almost as if we have not made a lot of progress in regards
transitioning, but even so, I think women more so than men to awareness of equality for women. Women continue to bear
feel the need to come in the next day and make up for the time the brunt of raising families while taking on the added stress of
they’ve “lost” at work. Women feel pressure to accomplish fifty starting businesses. Both men and women need to recognize
more things than they normally would have in order to make that, just as when men went out and women stayed home and
up for that hour they left early that day. – ECK supported them, the same compromises need to be made for
When successful entrepreneurs make revenue and have businesswomen to whatever degree within the family dynamic
go to after-hours events, I feel such guilt not being home with
employees that count on them, now they are in a place where
and within the business structure, whether that be by flexible
they are so busy that they either stop taking care of themselves hours, working from home, or childcare. – TM
or feel that they have not spent enough time with their families. I don’t know if we have enough people courageous enough to
Finding that balance when you are actually successful can be take a stand. For example, one of my heroes is Barry Ostrowsky,
even harder than it was when you were starting out. – KK president and CEO for RWJBarnabas Health. He is a huge
We as women expect too much of ourselves. I think that’s supporter of women. In my opinion, we don’t have enough
why we try to do too much and stretch ourselves too thin.
… Perfect example, studies have shown that women are more
white men like Barry willing to take a stand for women and
minorities. Women are already there. We need more allies to
likely to call for help for their relatives, friends and families make it happen. – DM
than call for help for themselves. Women delay taking care of Women often sell themselves short and don’t always do
their health and seeking help for their conditions because they a great job of branding and pro