Leading Women Entrepreneurs Magazine 2017-Entre_magazine-online | Page 17
From women-focused publications to separate
award recognitions, why is there still a need for
the gender-specific niche? where they started and where they are now has made the biggest
We need to be reminded of how strong women were before us come from those leaps of faith. It’s given me the confidence
that did not have the opportunities that we do now, and how to be more entrepreneurial within my organization and risk
strong the women we are currently associated with and who are pushing things forward even in the face of resistance. That’s
coming up behind us are. We need to perpetuate that message paid off for me in my career – I’ve been with CohnReznick for
by setting examples and continuing to educate. If women- three years, and I was promoted last year after returning from
focused programming and publications can help women stay maternity leave. - ECK
connected with such change, they will be successful. – Desiree Leading Women Entrepreneurs, in particular, has given me the
Watson, founder and CEO, Wellness Interactive opportunity to network and build relationships with some of the
In my field of work, despite there being many women, there is a most powerful women in business all in one room. It has been
significant gender gap when it comes to positions of leadership. so insightful and inspiring to meet, for example, women running
I think there must always be concerted efforts to make both huge construction companies while wearing six inch heels! - Jeanne
women and men aware of the disparity, give women the tools to Cretella, co-founder and president, Landmark Hospitality
impact on me, personally. It’s inspiring to learn the risks that
they have taken and both the successes and failures that have
overcome it, and educate women in particular on the institutions
and organizations that can help them network their way to the
top. – Rachana Kulkarni, chairman of the department of
medicine and chief of cardiology at Robert Wood Johnson
University Hospital in Somerset, N.J.
There must always be a platform and a resource leading the
charge in celebrating and honoring women who do amazing
things. … If there were no gender specific events, awards,
What do you believe are the most pressing
challenges facing women in business today?
Equal pay, in all industries; balancing both a career and a family;
and securing financing in order to grow one’s business. – JC
When you combine the lack of startup money women
receive and the funds needed to make sure one’s children are
cared for, women already are behind men. Additionally, a
disproportionate amount of child rearing typically falls on the
woman, so she is stymied in what she can do professionally.
Now tack on lack of equal pay. – KD
publications, etc., this would forever be a man’s world, and
women would not achieve what we deserve. Even today, we
hear, “We couldn’t find any qualified women.” We need to stay
front and center so that we can easily be found, and so that
women can tell their own stories lest their stories not be told as
accurately. – DM
We frequently go to events that are predominantly attended
by men, so there is inherent power in being in a room full of
strong, intelligent, creative women. Getting to learn more about
Photos by Mavash Saba–Saba Photography