the oils.
your samples on hand and be willing to take the risk to offer them to people.
Follow up with the samples you place. Call them. See if it worked and if they’re using it right.
a class to invite people to. Always have something in the docket for those who
want to learn more. If they aren’t local, find out what’s going on in that area or set up a
webinar with them.
because, when times got hard, we had
that confirmation.”
She always tries to keep her priorities
aligned and tells her team to do the
“You have to be
same. “When I let my priorities get out of
balance too far, my business stops.” She
also counsels her team to write down
their goals and post them in seven places
where they will regularly see them—their
car, their bathroom mirror, or their stove
when they’re cooking dinner. “Write that
goal down until it becomes a part of you.”
Cachay says it’s important to always
remember why you want to tell people
about dōTERRA. Once you know why, you
will be able to take the risk to bring your
business to the next level. “It’s a scary risk,
but it’ll be worth it. You’ve never done this
before, so you’ll want to retract and hold
back. But if there’s something deep in
you that says, ‘go for it’—take that leap of
faith,” then you’ll find success.
Sometimes running a business and raising
a family requires sacrifice, but Cachay has
learned to avoid the word “balance.” She
says, “When life is balanced, it’s kind of
like you’re complacent. I don’t ever want
to be complacent, I want to be teaching,
accomplishing, and growing, and my kids
are in that with me.” She knows her family
will learn from her example of pushing
forward rather than running away from
hard things. She knows how to keep going
until the end of the race—just like the