“Maria is so
I’m the one with
a college degree,
but she can look at
our organization
and something
that takes me
hours, she can
find in minutes.
I support her by
encouraging her
in her areas of
strength and by
listening to her.”
– Terry
How to Improve Retention
Offer the product as a
Help them have an experience.
Because they worked so closely with their
mail the entire county and have a
wake up and do it. A lot of times that
team, they became personally attached
million people sign up. Instead he found
space between knowing what to do
to their success. Maria says, “When you’re
himself meeting with families one-on-
and creating it is just doing. As you start
with them in their trials, their heartbreak,
one in their homes, talking to them
doing, you’ll know what to do.”
their success, and their community, it’s a
about their problems and how he could
completely different experience. It’s not
help. He says, “I don’t know how you
about the money at all. You know that
can do it any other way, because the
you want these people to have success,
relationships that come from that are so
you want them to reach their dreams,
crucial to long-term success instead of
and you want them to know how to
short-term gain.”
“If you have a class of 12 people, you
don’t have time to sign up all 12 people
after that class. We found it to be really
successful to spend a couple days in
that area meeting with the people that
came to the class. W