“Set up your schedule and stick to it.
Don’t let distractions take away from your goals.”
For those seeking the same level of success, Julie provides this advice:
“Share essential oils like you share a movie or recommend a restaurant.
Don’t be afraid, just do it!”
“Focus on serving others and your business will flourish. I found that when I
focused on myself, hitting Diamond or earning Power of 3™ then everything
stopped and nothing worked. It’s only by helping others that you succeed!”
Follow up
“Why would you give out product and not follow up? I think following up is one
of the simplest things you can do to be successful. It’s as simple as a phone call
asking, ‘Did you love it as much as I do?’ Nine out of 10 times the answer is, ‘Yes!’”
It was never the financial prospects that motivated Julie to seek success, but rather a desire to use the product to aid
individuals in need. If you keep this in mind, then sharing, following up, and serving become simple.