Introducing Diamond
“You must truly WANT something for yourself and do
whatever it takes to get it, because no one else in the
world will want it for you.”
What was the biggest hurdle you misstep along your journey that greatly impacts my business growth. It
had to overcome in your career? helped you grow into the leader you has allowed me to share myself on my
are today? own terms, and my reach is limitless.
One of the most challenging roadblocks
Through social media I have been able to
I experienced as a builder was the My biggest misstep was that I did not meet many wonderful people and help
tendency to do everything for everyone. set goals at the beginning of my journey. them with essential oils, and they, in turn,
With a “been-there and done-that” I did not know where I wanted to be, have helped me come out of my shell.
mentality, I had the urge to create a which meant that it was difficult for me safe nest for my downlines and hope to align specific actions to get there. Not What insights on effective leadership
that they did not get hurt the same only was I stuck in limbo, but this mindset did you gain as a result of working
way I did. However, the reality was that also trickled down to my leaders, creating with a struggling team member?
it was not possible, and what I thought frustration in my team. From then on, I of as protective may have seemed to learned to set specific goals with a time I think the most powerful thing you can
others as controlling. Changing this part frame and clear-cut actions to get me do as a leader when trying to help a
of myself was a difficult hurdle for me to from where I am to where I want to be. struggling builder is to enter his situation
– acknowledge that you might not have
overcome. Thankfully, I had great leaders
who were willing to point this out and How did you leverage your strengths all the answers, but always be willing to
work with me – allowing my team and me to achieve a specific goal? figure it out together with him. I feel that
those little moments when you and your
to be in a position where we now have
the freedom to explore, make mistakes Being an introvert is both my strength builder actively discover solutions is what
and learn from them. and my weakness. Though I have a limited allows them to feel empowered, and at
capacity and low energy level during the same time builds trust within your
Some of the most influential and meetings or when speaking to people, it team.
lasting lessons are learned from is because of these limitations that I find mistakes. Is there a memorable my strength in social media. Social media
I APRIL / 2019