“You have to be personally committed, and you have to be publicly committed to someone who is encouraging and
who will stand by you. When you have both of those things, you’ll have a huge success rate.” –Fred
Keep a list of people to contact.
Write down why you are
contacting them so that when
you call, you focus on their needs
and not on your goal. Once they
have enrolled, mark a date for your
next meeting.
Always introduce the Loyalty
Rewards Program when they
enroll. Be sure to guide or
coach them through a 90-day plan
for success that addresses their
particular issue or concern. You want
them to be able to experience what
dōTERRA can do for them when it
becomes a part of their daily lives.
Check in with your new
enrollees one week prior to
their next Loyalty Rewards
order shipment date. Ask them how
they are doing and help them set up
their next Loyalty Rewards order.
waved a magic wand and everyone
Though the Donegans have grown
For Fred and Carrie, the road doesn’t
jumped from one spot to another.
quickly, they have succeeded in main-
stop here. “Achieving Diamond isn’t just
Our team is a mix of those who decided
taining their Diamond rank and recently
a short-term goal for us. We see it as
for themselves they wanted a better
advanced to Blue Diamond. They say,
a mile marker on a long and pleasant
option and those who had never even
“The key to hitting and maintaining rank
journey. So far, the people we have met
held an essential oil before, but were
is goal setting. If you help your leaders
along the way have been great. We look
drawn to dōTERRA because of its
and their team formulate and execute
forward to meeting many more as we
mainstream appeal.”
their plans to reach their goals, then you
continue our journey with dōTERRA in
will achieve yours. It is a process that
the years to come.”
happens from the bottom-up, not the
“My hope is that everyone can have the dōTERRA experience. Most people go through life working in jobs that are not
rewarding. Maybe they pay well, maybe they’re close to where they live, or maybe they’re good at their job, but how
rewarding is that job? I can’t imagine anyone saying they’ve had a dōTERRA experience that wasn’t rewarding.” –Carrie