use the essential oils. We have to help
them understand why it’s important
to take charge of their own health.
We’ve realized that dōTERRA isn’t
about making a sale; it’s about building
relationships and trust with people.
“I encourage everybody to not make
excuses. If we sit around making excuses for
why we’re not getting things done, then
we’re not going to be successful.”
When you do that, everything else
comes organically.”
After all of their experience with
network marketing companies telling
them to drain their bank account and
go big or go home to succeed, the
Esteppes knew dōTERRA was for them
when they were told to stay within
their budget and make sure they
were always balanced in their home
and finances. Spring says, “dōTERRA
continues to impress us with that. They
align with our belief system and how
we operate. They tell us to maintain our
integrity and to give back, and we really
appreciate that.”
The Esteppes had such a limited
COME TO CLASSES. “I know someone is going somewhere right away
when they come to classes and bring people with them.”
USE THEIR OILS. “If someone wants to be a builder and they’re not using
their product, it’s going to be hard for them to grow a business.”
SHARE THEIR OILS. “We don’t want people to be beating the pavement
trying to find people. We want them to give away oils so people can have
an experience with them.”
HAVE A LOYALTY REWARDS ORDER. “Having an LRP to replace what
they’re sharing, that you don’t have to push them for, sets them up for
leadership right away.”
budget when they first started building
their business that they could only
give away 10-drop samples, but Spring
knew it was important to do that much.
“I knew that if I gave oils to people they
would like them and come back for
more.” As their business has grown, they
have been able to be more and more
generous. They have begun working
with orphanages in Guatemala and
paying for members of their team to go
there and help. “We would never have
been able to do any of it if it wasn’t
for dōTERRA. It’s not only changing our
family, it’s changing the world.”
“If you focus on hitting
Diamond, then it becomes
about rank. If you focus on
building relationships with
people and helping them walk
through this journey, then the
rank will come.”