“If you want to end up in a certain place,
then you have to figure out how to get
there. You can’t just hope for the best and
start running. Break it down into smaller
goals that make you do something and at
the end of the month you’ll look back and
see progress.”
yourself daily that you can’t do this.
It’s fulfilling to bring someone along on
That’s not helpful.”
this journey.”
Gina views leadership in the same way
Today she doesn’t know where she
that she views motherhood. She feels
would be without dōTERRA. “I can’t
the same pride when she sees them
believe this was brought into my life. I
accomplish their goals. “It’s a difficult
really do wake up every morning and
process, but it’s worth it to see all that
think, ‘How did I get so lucky to have
work come to fruition. I love seeing
people come down that path and end
up where they wanted to go, and to
know that I even had a small part of it.”
“There is absolutely
no way I could’ve
done this without
Dru. It’s not easy to
take care of three kids
four nights a week
while your wife is
building a business.
I think most
husbands would
complain, but he
has never once
complained to me.
He saw it as an
investment and that
has paid off.”
“I feel like if you listen to people, they tell you how to
share with them. Everybody has issues. I’m always
listening to hear what people are struggling with and
what they might need.”
“I take them a couple bottles and say, ‘I know this is
weird, but this is something that has really blessed our
family and I want you to try it.’”
Don’t sell.
“When I drop off the samples, I tell them if they’re
interested in learning more, I do weekly classes to
teach about the oils.”
“I try not to make people feel like it’s a sale. That’s
not what it is to me. If they just try it, they’ll have an
experience, and they’ll want to know more.”