The Benefits of
an International
Business (Christian):
Travel. “You get to go to
these wonderful places to
do business, put on events,
and meet great people—and
then write the trip off for tax
Growth. “The thing about
international network
marketing is when you have
teams in Asia and Europe,
you’re literally making money
while you sleep.”
Christian and his wife, Jennifer, with their three children.
of looking, I received a call from Allyse Sedivy. She asked if
about the money. We have found that with the essential oils,
I would meet with her, and I did. We sat down and started
once people get educated and invest their time into learning
talking. She mentioned what the product was and when
about them, they become very committed. It becomes a
she said essential oils, I searched for a polite way to tell her
lifestyle for them and that’s why the retention of the company
that I wasn’t interested and leave. Then, she mentioned the
has remained so high and continues to grow. The products
executive management team. I knew several of them and I
work and they change lives.
knew their reputations, so I agreed to meet with them. As I
learned about their commitment and professional experience,
How do you support your growing team?
I was impressed, and that convinced me to join. I remember
MARK- We always make ourselves available to everyone
Emily Wright told me that day, “I know you’re business-focused
through phone, text, and email. We let them know that
now, but there will come a point when essential oils will
wherever they are in our business, they can reach out to
become the most important thing to you.” Now,