Leadership Magazines Leadership Magazine Issue 3 | Page 49

new diamonds I think what makes Crystal effective is that she isn’t selling an MLM, she’s helping people.” – Jeff Nyman avenues. She taught piano lessons, sold Discovery Toys, and did mortgage loans. As things failed, she would try something new. Her job history was a long and varied one. She ended up at city deals where she met Kirk Hamilton and Allyse Sedivy. Allyse called Crystal one weekend and vaguely mentioned dōTERRA. Crystal said, “I wasn’t sure what she was talking about. She questioned me about Nu Skin where I had built an income, and after finding out that I was doing well, she kind of dismissed me.” The next day at work, Kirk approached Crystal and invited her to a meeting. Crystal refused, but after being promised a free dinner she consented. The meeting wasn’t like anything Crystal had previously been invited to. Allyse informed them that they were joining dōTERRA, that convention was the following week, that she was paying, and that they were going. Kirk told Crystal, “I know that this is another direct sales company, but Patrick and Allyse have the ability to be successful and I’m joining them.” Crystal decided that she would give dōTERRA her full attention for 90 days. She quit all her other jobs. She knew her attention could not be divided if she was going to succeed. Crystal called Allyse and told her what she had done. Crystal said, “I think I scared her, but she committed to helping me be successful. In 90 days Crystal hit Silver and in four months she hit gold. This was a huge blessing because it was only a few months later that Crystal divorced. Crystal said, “This is the most successful I have ever been. I went from struggling to not worrying.” Crystal now looks to help her team reach the same level of success. She understands what it means to be in the trenches