boyd’s favorite products
TerraZyme “All of us need more
enzymes and amino acids for our
bodies to preform better.”
Immortelle “It’s all of my favorite
oils in one bottle.” –boyd Truman
What are the benefits of working
as a couple towards a common
goal like Presidential Diamond?
We had to decide together that we
were both completely committed.
Although Sandy is still a full-time mom
and I do most of the traveling and training, she is still very much involved. She
is home base, not just for us and our
children, but a home base for answering
calls, giving parties, helping someone
out with a sick child, making and handing out samples, and the list could go
on and on. We each fulfill different, but
necessary roles. When we do get to
travel or teach together, it’s just cream
on top.
For those just starting out, what
topic do you feel is the most successful for a home event?
All around the world there has
been a growing emphasis on going
green—with our homes, our cars, our
places of work, etc. Our emphasis has
always been making our bodies green,
so to speak. Getting back to more of a
natural approach to health and nutrition, and this is how you can do it. At
the end of your event it’s not about
which kit they decide to buy, it’s about
giving them choices. The first choice
they need to make is to implement a
change that will bring safe, natural,
healing products to their homes.
What is the best way to invite and
encourage people to