2 Commitment
Each time a future Diamond IPC works with a
leader, they should help
them commit to finding
three business builders.
A builder is defined as
someone who is committed to 20+ hours of
work per week, 150 PV
Loyalty Rewards order a
month, 3-5 new contacts a day, sets written
goals, and holds events
and trainings.
3 Sharing
A future Diamond IPC
should encourage their
builders to host at least
one class each week.
At that class, the leader
should focus on scheduling classes with each
attendee. Builders who
do this well grow quickly.
One way to encourage this behavior is by
providing incentives for
hosting a class.
4 Structure
It is important for a future
Diamond IPC to help
builders structure their
team in a way that maximizes the Power of Three
bonus. This will set them
up perfectly, for moving
up in rank, as their team
grows. Their main focus
should be to help their
three builders hit their
$1500 bonus. When one
of their builders hits that
bonus, comes close, or is
becoming extremely independent, then the time
is right to add a 4th leg.
When a builder’s second
leg reaches that point,
then they can start a 5th
leg, and so on.
5 Enrollment
A Consultant working
towards Diamond should
retain enrollership when
they enroll a new IPC
despite where they are
placed. If however, that
consultant has a builder
who is ready to move
up in rank, but cannot
because the enrolling IPC
has retained enrollership,
then they should immediately sign the enrollership over to the builder
who needs it. However,
only sign enrollership
over on the day that your
builder is hitting rank,
not before.
6 Communication
Those seeking to reach
Diamond must be in contact with their front-line
builders every business
day; more if necessary.
They should contact
their second level leaders
once a week, and their
third level builders once
a month. They should
teach their leaders this
same behavior.
7 Training
When a future Diamond
trains their builders to
teach a class they may do
the following: teach the
first class, bring handouts or help your builder
arrange handouts. Team
teach the second class,
giving the less difficult
portions to your builder
to provide confidence.
Aid in teaching the third
class, choose one section
in which your builder is
least confident. Simplify
the content and show
your builder how easy
that section can be. Show
support in the final training class. Introduce your
builder, then allow them
to teach, stay close by
to aid if they get stuck or
need help.
8 Building Out-
side Your Area
If your builder is not local,
the same requirements
still apply. In order to
achieve Diamond you
must be consistent with
all builders. Travel to
their area once or twice
a month to hold classes
with them. In the meantime, they should be
required to hold weekly
classes, build from those
classes, report progress,
and continue with all
other requirements previously discussed. Work
with them over the phone
even though you cannot
be with them.
Thanks to Teresa Harding for providing these tips. Teresa is a
dōTERRA Founding IPC and Blue Diamond. She lives in Utah
with her husband and three children. She loves photography
and being with her family.