"Your heart is your tool to succeed in this
business. Never stop growing your heart
and faith, and you’ll see miracles."
What advice would you give to someone
who is trying to reach Presidential Diamond?
Create your momentum and don’t stop once you’ve started.
In the beginning, I gave myself one year to focus only on
my business without distractions. Of course I took care of
my kids, but I said “no” to a lot of dinners, date nights, and
movie nights. I would apologize to my friends and say, “I’m
building my dream right now, so let’s meet in a year!” Saying
“no” to those external things meant I was saying “yes” to me,
my vision, and who I was meant to become. Stick with your
dōTERRA plan and don’t have any plan B.
Some people don’t want to reach Presidential
Diamond because of how hard and stressful it
seems. What are the benefits of this rank?
Why should someone want to reach it?
Why wouldn’t someone want to reach the top? When you
create momentum and you don’t stop, it gets easier every
day, every month. You just get better at what you do. The path
from Blue to Presidential Diamond was much easier than my
way to Blue. If I don’t progress, I feel a part of me is dead. I’m
an overachiever, and I get bored easily, but not everyone feels
that same need to progress, and I have to respect that. It’s in
my DNA, but it’s not for everyone.
At this stage, what motivates you to
continue building your business?
For me, the benefits of hitting rank is seeing six amazing
people reach financial freedom or quit their previous job.
My leaders are world-class. My obsession is to find ways
we can touch more lives and help more people. The more
my leaders hit their ranks, the more we can calculate how
many lives we’ve changed with our amazing company. Money
stopped motivating me at Gold. The rest is extra I can use to
How do you and your spouse work together in the business?
Thanks to my business, my future husband was able to quit
his job, which was a big deal for him. Now he’s building his
dream real estate investment company, helping families
rent and buy new homes that they never thought they could
afford. He’s also the best stay-at-home dad! He’s always with
me at events to support the team, and he’s bent on learning
English so we can work more in the dōTERRA business
help more people.
Do you have anything else you would like to add?
I want to thank my team for trusting in the vision we created
together for the last two and a half years. You are amazing,
and this article is a tribute to your amazing outer-worldly good
work. Thanks for being such loving, caring people! Together
we put French Canada on the map.
together! He is my rock and has supported me from day one.
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.