Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 37B Marie-Kim Provencher | Page 6

PRESIDENTIAL DIAMOND Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond Marie-Kim Provencher LAC-BEAUPORT, QUEBEC, CAN 6 What were the biggest hurdles you overcame on the How have you learned to balance running your business way to Presidential Diamond? and taking care of your family? A hurdle is just part of the journey of being a business owner, I’m very protective of my family time. I’m the first mother at an entrepreneur. It’s an opportunity to grow, learn, and get school to pick them up, and I spend so much time with my better. My road to Presidential was fast, full of sacrifices, kids. We do everything together: ski, swim, travel, laugh, play dedicated work, self-control, and consistency. I started with music, cook, read, journal, talk. When I’m with them, I’m not small daily actions and worked until I reached my mighty allowed to touch my phone until I go to bed because that’s the vision. I knew there was a price to pay because no one gets to deal we have. And if I forget about it, they’ll tell me! My family is Presidential Diamond on luck. the reason why I do this business. dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I MARCH / APRIL 2019 Images by Sophie Grenier and cover by Jeremy DeWeese