Jennifer Shaw
“As soon as I let go of my expectations and slowed down
to enjoy this wild ride, my business has catapulted to the next
level while being stronger than ever.”—Jennifer Shaw
henever she gets asked what choice to live their best lives. I wanted She finds that “true leaders, people
her job is, Jennifer Shaw smiles everyone to feel as good as I felt, and with a strong mission and why, attract
slowly my team started to grow.” people into their lives and constantly
and responds enthusiastically, “I make
friends for a living!”
Jennifer initiates friendships with her
expand their circle of influence. Once
someone realizes that they can meet
The key to her business success is her team members as well. “I meet people neighborly nature. Jennifer can’t get where they are in the business, and I on a plane, attend a yoga class, or visit link arms and travel with them at their the neighborhood juice shop without pace when they are ready to move. making a friend: “I truly enjoy not only Everyone is exactly where they are meeting people, but learning who they ready to be, and all I can do is provide As Jennifer propels forward with her
are, where they come from, and what them with love, training, guidance, welcoming personality, she pays
makes them happy and sad. There is and support.” She does this by finding some amazing force in the universe something to be grateful for with every that brings people into our lives. If we person she comes in contact with, from would just look up from our phones and the person who only orders once and connect with people, we would start to never again, to her amazing, exceptional see them for the blessing they are to us. leaders. Of them Jennifer says, “These Our lives will be forever blessed for this are the people I am lucky to call my attention to the world around us.” business partners and dearest friends.” Slow down, don’t rush through life.
On her way to Diamond, Jennifer “Not any of us are the same,” she wisely people, and your business will never
has learned to launch even more notes. “We all come with different stop growing. If we care about those
friendships by accepting others where strengths, skills, and experiences.” we meet, and take time to truly connect
they are. “I started this business with Jennifer finds that true success with them, then the next customer, the
a strong desire to help other people happens when her downline stops next builder, and the next rank will be
see that they had a choice. They had a saying, “I have no one else to talk to.” right around the corner.”
people anywhere and everywhere
and actually do it, then they are in this
business for good. They are ready to
leave their legacy, their mark.”
meticulous attention to the wonders
in her own life. “I was once told that
on average, we experience six to eight
miracles a day,” Jennifer explains.
“Seeing those miracles just depends on
if we are in tune with our surroundings
enough to see and absorb the benefits.
Enjoy those around you, truly care for
Images by Ashley Perry Photography