Becki Ruh
Rising with the Sunrise
he early morning hours of starting
a business, yawning and stretching,
are full of hope and enthusiasm, but
sometimes lack clarity. What steps
should be taken first? How should
passion be shared so that it can be
accepted? Becki Ruh was awake and
itching to share oils. She knew clearly
that she wanted to help others start
their own healing journeys, yet her
drive didn’t lead straight to a clear
vision. Becki reflects, “I was sowing
the seeds of love by sharing the
oils with any and every person who
crossed my path. And I was willing
to pour everything I had into anyone
who showed up with any semblance
of interest. I had a full heart, zero
boundaries, and a passion big enough
to carry me as long as I needed it to.”
It wasn’t a bad thing to pour her heart
and soul into sharing with everyone she
knew. She believed that if she just kept
sharing the oil love with as many as she
could, she would eventually establish
a viable business. And it did work for
Becki to give with abandon, despite
the times when she felt scattered and
overwhelmed: “I was where I was. I was
experiencing my own awakening of
sorts as I was going through the steps
to become ready to rise. I needed to
grow in order to be ready to lead a
community of people who were ready
to awake and arise with me. It’s why
I encourage new leaders to bring
awareness into what they’re creating
from the very beginning.”
While Becki understands and en
courages others to be aware of their
end goals, she doesn’t downplay her
unique journey. “Though in hindsight it
would’ve been a more direct path had
I written out my vision, I am floored
that I was able to create what I have
without that kind of awareness from
the beginning. This opportunity is a
teacher in and of itself. If we are just
willing to take the steps, the path will
unfold before us. It will lead us and we’ll
develop the skillsets necessary to take
us to the next part of our path.”
“My business continues to grow and
stretch me in ways I’ve been craving
my entire life,” says Becki. “And I’m
grateful now that I’ve been able to
build it even though I didn’t come in
with a fully formed vision of where it
could take me or what I was creating.
As a result, I inadvertently developed
an unshakable faith and trust in the
order of things. And that is a gift I
never knew I was missing until, for
the first time in my life, I felt what it
was like to feel fully supported. I have
complete trust that I was—and always
have been—safe, guided, and whole
just as I am.” With this awareness of
support, Becki continues to build her
business with the new team name
“Awaken and Arise.”
Reflecting on her business building strategies, Becki Ruh says,
“I recognize now I wasn’t super clear about what I wanted from
the business from the very beginning. I recognize there was a
much more direct route to where I stand today.” How can you
become more awake and aware while building your business?
Talk with your upline and discuss ways you can become clear about
what you want from your business. Take the time to envision whom
you want to partner with, as well as regularly envision what you
want your own life to look like. Write your thoughts here:
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