Vanessa Woozley
“The focus has always been on helping other mums find natural solutions for their families to help transform
the health of the next generation. I realize we are at a critical time on this planet for a change in health both
physically and mentally, and dōTERRA is a powerful vehicle to make this happen.”—Vanessa Woozley
knew that there was so much more with a schedule for me. It might not videos helped me overcome my fears,
to this life than paying the bills and sound like fun, but calendaring allowed but they also proved very popular,
waiting for holidays.” This thought me to feel like I could fit everything into positively impacting many mums and
helped Vanessa Woozley leave her my week. I booked in exercise time, their children.”
corporate job to study and qualify as meditation, as well as all the other key a Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist objectives for the business. I worked while running a dōTERRA business evenings and weekends because those beliefs,” Vanessa found out. “Mine
as a single mom. Though she’s had were the times that I had.” Surprisingly, were that I don’t have enough time.
her challenges, Vanessa’s purpose Vanessa made rank advancements At times I felt stuck feeling like I don’t
for sticking through it all had to be during the same months she had do anything well and thinking, ‘I’m not
held so strongly that it integrated into exams. “In those months my time giving enough to my team,’ ‘I want to
everything she did. “There have been was so focused that I know I made be able to help more customers,’ ‘How
key moments where I’ve had to be very every moment streamlined. No do I juggle being with my daughter,
clear about my why, come back to my procrastinating; I had to be efficient.” studying for exams, and propelling a
priorities, and drop activities that didn’t
put me on the right path,” Vanessa
states. Her driving goal: to influence
other single parents and their children.
Because of her time spent planning,
Vanessa hasn’t felt like she’s sacrificing
everything for her business. “I am
doing what I love with a company that
“We all start our business with limiting
business?’” In those exacting moments,
Vanessa came back to her core values
and purpose. “I reorganized my time
(especially with each new rank) and
made new commitments. My resolute
Scheduling has always helped Vanessa I believe will always take the highest sort through her priorities and make ethical stand, and that’s important to time for everything she wants to me.” Vanessa found ways to integrate do. “Many times, I gave too much of being a mom into her business life similar situations as mine. I love that
myself,” Vanessa explains, “and I lacked by taking her daughter to events and I can pass this legacy of belief to the
the self-care to allow the business to recording live videos with her talking next mum or dad trying to help others
flow with grace. It was always resolved about the oils. “These were fun! The in their community.”
beliefs have helped shape my team’s
determination, some of whom are in
Images by Anita Parry Photography