Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 36 Dani and Ryan Smith | Page 6
Jamie & Ted Dibble
“Our belief in this company was stronger than all the fears. We had no doubt that
we would look back one day and know it was the best decision we ever made.”
or a while, Jamie was the only as a thing for women, so I was content to chase their dreams by participating
member of the Dibble family to let Jamie do her thing while I focused in Diamond Club. In the first month,
on my career in electrical engineering.” they hit Platinum and the dream of
dreaming of the opportunities her
dōTERRA ® business could bring.
A stay-at-home mother of four, Jamie
juggled many balls while steadily
advancing in leadership. Jamie still
recalls the first meeting with her
enroller, Michelle. “We both were
nursing babies while our other kids
were jumping off the furniture. It was
crazy, but we made it work and she
she brought Ted along to Leadership
retreat. Ted quickly changed his mind
at the event. He remembers, “We
attended mostly as an excuse to take a
vacation together, but once I was there
I was floored by the large percentage
of men I saw in attendance and on
helped me get started.” stage presenting. That quickly knocked
Jamie started building the business wasn’t for men. We returned home
almost right away. She loved everything
about it—learning about the oils, teaching
classes, meeting other moms, creating
out my limiting belief that this business
with a plan to hit Gold by April!”
Unfortunately, they didn’t hit Gold
content to share online (@oilswithjamie), when planned. “Never in my life,”
and involving her kids. For the first time remembers Ted, “had I tried so
since leaving her Biomedical Engineering hard for something and not been
job, Jamie felt like she was finally successful. There was no partial
capitalizing on her strengths. credit, no award for our efforts.”
Jamie’s husband, Ted, was always
supportive of her and slowly became
an avid oil user; however, he didn’t feel
he fit into the culture he perceived to
When Jamie reached the rank of Silver,
Despite their disappointment, the
Dibbles were committed, so they
picked themselves up and threw
themselves back into work.
Ted leaving his six-figure job became a
reality. Even with their fears and four
young children to take care of, Jamie
and Ted embraced the opportunity
they heard knocking and completed a
second season of Diamond Club.
By January 2018, the Dibbles had a
plan to hit Diamond by the end of
the following month. Jamie and Ted
capitalized on their strengths to hit
Diamond. As strategic thinkers, they
came up with a plan. Ted recalls, “We
utilized our strengths to develop an
eight week plan with activities and
trainings to engage our team. Everyone
was marching together. Before the
end of February, the back office said
'Diamond' next to our name!”
The Dibbles’ relentless pursuit of
their goals continues to bear fruit.
Now the sky’s the limit and with their
newfound freedom, Jamie and Ted
be dominated by women. In his own In August 2016, they hit Gold with are ready to embrace the life they
words, “Unfortunately, I saw dōTERRA growing momentum. They continued worked so hard for.
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.