Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 36 Dani and Ryan Smith | Page 5
How do you and your spouse At this stage, what motivates you to
work together in the business? continue building your business?
This has been a journey for us! Ryan was a successful software We are invested in the success of our leaders. Because we
engineer and retired after we hit Diamond six years ago. We have been able to experience this amount of success, we want
thought it would be easy and we would be running off into the it so badly for the people we love. We feel like God has given
sunset. It wasn’t. But here are some things we learned to help us so many blessings and with that comes the stewardship
each other: of mentoring and helping others along that path. In addition,
• DEFINE YOUR ROLES. Decide what each of you will do as we have grown and changed, so have our dreams and the
and then adjust it as you move forward.
EACH OTHER. Good communication is critical when
working together.
• SUPPORT YOUR PARTNER. It may not be your goal to
work with your spouse full time, and that’s okay.
A supportive partner is just as crucial as an active one.
Get to a place of complete support, whatever that looks
like for you.
How have you learned to balance running
your business and taking care of your family?
things we want to do and accomplish. This keeps us excited
and motivated to keep working and reaching.
What were the biggest hurdles you overcame
on the way to Presidential Diamond?
More recently we have had to learn to be okay with letting
people go. One of our mentors told us to “watch their feet,
not their mouth,” and we found that many say the right things
along the way but don’t do the work with their feet. We are
learning to let go of the people that only say they want to do
this and work harder with those who are really moving their
feet. Now we feel like we have the energy to bring on new
builders, and our business has gained momentum.
We’ve learned that the way most people look at balance is a
myth. Balance is a dance. We started this business with four
kids, ages five and under. Between Blue and Presidential
Diamond, we added two more kids! We used to think we
needed to figure out the perfect balance with family and work
What advice would you give to someone
who is trying to reach Presidential Diamond?
• BE CONSISTENT. What’s happening in your business right
now is a result of what you were doing 6–8 weeks ago. A
and then all would be good. We have learned that balance is
plane that starts and stops as it goes down the runway will
always changing. What feels like balance one month might be
never get off the ground. You must consistently do your
completely different the next. Some months we get to have
PIPES activities to create enough momentum to launch your
tons of time as a family. Other months, we choose to spend
more time with the business (traveling lots, working more
hours, etc.). The most important thing to remember is that
business and keep it going.
• BELIEVE IN MIRACLES. Unless it’s midnight at the end of
the month, there is more that can happen! And if the next
balance looks different for everyone, and you get to choose
month comes and you didn’t hit your goal, it’s okay to take a
what it looks like for you.
How has this business changed your life?
It’s hard to put into words what this business has done for
day to be sad, but then get up and get to work! Remember,
goals are stars to steer by, not sticks to beat yourself with.
us. Our life is completely different as a result of choosing to
step into dōTERRA ® . We can make more decisions based on
our desires instead of the limitations of our circumstances.
dōTERRA is absolutely a vehicle to help us become more of
what we came to this Earth to be. It allows us to be present
as parents, to raise our kids together, to stretch ourselves to
ELSE’S. It took us eight years to reach Presidential
Diamond while many of our friends hit it much earlier.
Playing the comparing game only leaves you questioning
everything, including your ability. It’s about reaping the
harvest, not about how fast you get there. It’s your
journey, not anyone else’s.
become more, to serve more, and to do more.
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com.