LEAD October 2024 | Page 48

“ We are faced with a decision : differ with our party or sacrifice some Christian convictions for the sake of partisan alignment .”
bland partisans who have bent our faith to align with our politics . If this paragraph brings to mind examples of how other Christians compromise or proof text , we should look for the plank in our own eyes first ( Matthew 7:3‐5 ).
Becoming Salty
Salty party participation starts with Christian discipleship . We must begin with our faith , not with our political ideologies or policy positions . This is challenging because we already have political opinions , so we are subject to confirmation bias that reinforces those opinions . We become salty as we grow in Christlikeness and yield ourselves to the values of the Kingdom , which will inevitably conflict with the values of party or country . We also grow in the love of neighbor that enables us to disagree about Christian convictions and values , even within the body of Christ . Political ideologies present us with a lens through which to view reality , but as Christians we are called to view reality through the lens of God ’ s redeeming work in the world , from creation to final restoration . Discipleship trains us to see the world the way the triune God sees it .

“ We are faced with a decision : differ with our party or sacrifice some Christian convictions for the sake of partisan alignment .”

Our Christian discipleship can help us interpret the issues of the day and develop in us the humility to admit when we lack knowledge or understanding . For many Christians , saltiness begins at a point of disconnect between party and ideology . Many Christians find our faith leading us to conservatism in some areas and liberalism in others , which leaves Christians without an obvious party with which to align . That can actually work to our advantage , as the partisan division can make it clear that total alignment with a party is simply untenable . We are faced with a decision : differ with our party or sacrifice some Christian convictions for the sake of partisan alignment . In such circumstances , we can add salt to our party by expressing our disagreement , even as we continue to clarify our Christian convictions .
Staying Salty
Staying salty requires sustained effort . The first and most important thing we must do to stay salty is abide in Christ by staying committed to Christ ’ s body , the church , and by studying Scripture . We can study Scripture with people who see the world differently , whether in a Bible study with diverse people or by reading books and commentaries that represent a range of interpretive lenses . We can choose a church with salty leadership , where different political views are represented and respected . Staying salty also requires checking our own positions and rhetoric against the command to love God and neighbor . We can be honest with ourselves and others about whether love or anger motivate our political behavior . We can pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal to us ways we compromise our faith for partisan alignment , where fear and anger get the better of us , and where we contribute to division instead of shalom . We can evaluate