into more joyful seasons of life . As time went on , we allowed more time between phone calls until . . . well , here we were . Several years past any meaningful communication .
It was then that I realized : that friendship was a gift that saw us both through a challenging season , and that ’ s probably all it will ever be . We still love each other . But life has gotten busy and we ’ ve both moved on to other friendships , and that ’ s okay . They are still gifts we enjoy in their time . We can look back on our memories through the lenses of joy and gratitude , not regret and disappointment . Those friendships were blessings in their day , even if that day has ended .
Friendships ( especially lifetime friendships ) sometimes ebb and flow .
God has blessed me with several lifetime friendships , women who have shared decades of life with me . In some seasons , we will draw especially close , but we ’ ve also weathered seasons where we aren ’ t as closely connected . The affection is still there , our love and commitment to one another have not changed , but we don ’ t talk or see each other as often .
To be honest , when I first sense a distance — either in my own heart or in my friend ’ s — my first instinct is usually insecurity laced with panic . But panic and insecurity can lead to friendship missteps . When we feel worried and unsure , we are more susceptible to mistakes that unintentionally augment the distance between us .
Friendships sometimes ebb and flow . They